Dead Fish

I just killed my fishies,

A murder committed

Just trying to help,

But they’re dead and I did it.

Should’ve let them keep swimming,

And just taken my time.

Let them stay where they were,

The old tank was just fine.

But a new one seemed better,

And I felt they deserved it.

A nice double wide coffin,

Turned out not to be worth it.

Riggs kicked it first,

Mordecai, later on.

He fought till he couldn’t,

Now both of them, gone.

If it means anything,

They were loved

While they lasted.

Not all moments were great,

But the days were fantastic.

Though they’re on to new springs,

They’re forever with me,

Posted right on my fridge 

For the whole room to see.

And if fish god exists,

Please just cut them some slack.

Make them fish VIP,

Clear a room in the back.

Send them little fish hookers

And two piles of flakes,

Discount fin massages

And fish versions of steaks.

Tell them I’m sorry I killed them,

It makes me feel rotten

And if it even matters

They won’t be forgotten.


Wednesday In May


Life of Fly